Take the stress out of providing an Exchange service our business is to manage the messaging server for you.
Guaranteed uptime of 99.9%
When your email is down, the productivity of your entire business is compromised – and the longer it lasts, the worse things get. That’s why we guarantee to get you connected again ASAP.
Mail Exchange offers the security your business needs. We operate our own dedicated servers in datacenters, all of which are in Switzerland.
All transmissions of electronic data are subjected to three spam-control systems, five anti-virus scans and SSL encryption.
Save money
Combining Exchange and POP/SMTP mailboxes on the same domain cuts your costs.
You can offer Exchange functionality to your more demanding users, and simpler messaging server options to lighter users without compromising your budget
Microsoft designed Exchange to work with Outlook®, syncing on an enterprise level with Outlook Web App and mobile devices. This means that you can carrying on working as normal from anywhere in the world, using shared calendars, global address lists and task management features.
Easy to install, easy to manage
Using the “autodiscover” system, all you need is a username and password to auto-setup Outlook and mobile devices (iPhone, Windows phone, etc.).
Our optional administrator interface lets you manage mailboxes, create and remove access rights, etc.